

What makes Mendeley unique is that it enables you to leverage the power of social networking to create a global citation management network. Use Mendeley to connect with other researchers in your field and discover what they are reading. There are also groups you can join that focus on particular subject areas or research projects. Mendeley even allows you to log in using your Facebook account. Setting up Mendeley is free and comes with 2 GB of storage on their web server. For an additional monthly fee you can get more storage space. Mendeley is a citation management tool that offers both downloadable and online components for our students. Mendeley provides a word processor plug-in and a citation importer. Unlike the other citation managers, Mendeley’s online components extend to social networking—allowing users to create and share academic résumés, collaborate with fellow researchers, add and communicate with contacts, and formulate RSS feeds are some of the tools. If you are interested in sharing academic information and participating in your discipline’s scholarly conversation with other students globally Mendeley is capable of helping you with that. We recommend all students to download and install Mendeley in their desktops or smartphones.

Creating a Mendeley Account/Downloading Mendeley Desktop

Downloading Mendeley Desktop is easy and free.

  • First, simply go to
  • On the resulting page, you will be prompted to enter your first name, last name, and e-mail address. Fill in the required information and select the green button that reads, “Sign up & Download.” Or, Mendeley will allow you to log in through Facebook if you have an account.
  • On the following page, you will create a password and select your research field and professional status. After entering in the required information, click on “Create my account.”
  • You should then receive a verification e-mail. If the e-mail fails to appear in your inbox, check to see if your spam folder intercepted the e-mail.
  • Follow the link provided in the e-mail to confirm your account.
  • A webpage should then appear, displaying the level of your Mendeley account creation. The next step is downloading the Mendeley desktop. On your current page, select the blue words reading, “Install Mendeley Desktop.”
  • Then, select the appropriate download for your operating system (Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, OS x 10.4 or later, or Generic Linux). You can also download the Mendeley iPhone app from this page.
  • Save, install, and run the Mendeley Desktop file. Follow the guided prompts. Microsoft word must be closed during this process.


Importing to Mendeley


Using your Mendeley Desktop

There are several ways to input citation data into your Mendeley desktop, one method is dragging and dropping PDFs into the Mendeley pane. Once you drop your PDF into the pane, Mendeley automatically extracts all citation data from the document.

You can also add references to Mendeley by using the Web Importer—a bookmark in your browser that grabs citation data from webpages. Only select databases are supported by Web Importer, Mendeley lists supported databases at

To get Mendeley’s Web Importer:

  • Point your browser to
  • A red rectangle that reads “Import to Mendeley” should appear under the title “Install the Web Importer.” You can either drag this rectangle to your bookmarks toolbar or right click on it and link it to your bookmarks. If you are using Internet Explorer, select “Add to Favorites” when right-clicking on the red rectangle.

To use the Web Importer:

  • Go to your bookmarks toolbar and select “Import to Mendeley.”
  • Alternatively, if you are using Internet Explorer go to Favorites and select “Import to Mendeley.”
  • Your pop-up blocker may initially prohibit this tool from running. If this occurs, reconfigure your pop-up blocker to allow pop-ups from
  • If not already logged in to Mendeley when attempting to import, you will receive a prompt to asking for your e-mail address and password. Enter the required information.
  • The Web Importer imports references to your online account, but because Mendeley desktop synchronizes with the online database upon opening, your imported citations should appear in your desktop manager.

Mendeley support Links:

If you have questions about using Mendeley in conjunction with library-supported databases, please email 


Mendeley Tour and Workshop videos